Excited to see how this Spectre and Meltdown patch madness will pan out, $10 says an engineer somewhere finger flubs something, then the debugger doesn't catch it and pushes to production distribution.
Meanwhile, still waiting on meaningful exploit code beyond telling me that I'm either vulnerable or not.
In other news, will be trying to post more here. Life is hard, but add in blog stuff on top of that, work and family and you probably have a better idea of my life than I do myself.
Expect more content, I have tons written up for consuming, but need to sort through all the garbage that is my internal monologue dictating narration in them.
That and the non-stop quest to not rehash or regurgitate others works. Once its been done, there is no other point to doing it.
Discovery and the unknown are my two favorite friends, meanwhile chaos and curiosity continue to be my low key friends. We'll explore all the closets I've encountered (minus NDA ones), and hopefully provide something of value to the next person.
Unless you call yourself someone's "right hand person", you can stop right there...